Hi all! I'm back. My dad passed away the end of February and I've taken some time.
In the time I've been gone, I have started a new job. I'm an aid in the first and second grade at Flint Academy. I love working there. I get up in the morning and get to go to work. And the night before, I say to Dan (my husband), "I get to go to work in the morning"! I think it's because the children and the teachers care for one another so much. There are alot of special needs children in Flint Academy. They seem to cause the school to work as one. Just like a family. Each child is concerned about the needs of the other. This was not taught, it just is. And, of course, is encouraged by the teachers. The teachers are special people also, they love the children. These kids are so fortunate to be in this atmosphere. They are learning not only book knowledge, but good social skills from the examples set by their teachers. These are some pictures I have taken in our classroom.