I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare anyone. That depression didn't last very long. It was about a day and a half I felt that way. My sisters showed up here one by one bringing my Lord in them. I found Him again. In a very tangable way. He is in their eyes, their smiles, their hugs, their words. They cleaned my house and read to me and sat with me, and sang to me, and left little notes of encouragement on my door, but most of all they just love me.
We have some of those little, cheap, plastic magnet letters on our refrigerator. My husband, Dan, writes little messeges to me with them. This is the messege I found the next day.

Pain and Comfort is Christ. I thought about this for a while. If Christ is All in All, then, yes, He is pain. Thinking like that, suddenly I could feel Him. My senses were aware, once again of my Lord.
My brother, Ben and my sister-in-law, Annette visited while I was still hooked to my little chemo machine. Ben picked out this picture to give to me. It's a picture of a tree going through all the seasons. As you walk past the picture, the tree changes from one season to the next. All of them are beautiful.

Bonnie called me one day a while before I lost my hair. She had a scripture she wanted to share with me. I think this scripture is what started me thinking in the direction of the tree.
"For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that it's tender shoots will not cease. Though it's roots may grow old in the earth, and it's stump may die in the ground, yet at the scent of water it will bud and bring forth branches like a plant." Job 14: 7-9
These are the words to a song that started me thinking in the direction of seasons:
"Every evening sky, an invitation to trace the patterned stars
And early in July, a celebration for freedom that is ours
And I notice You in children's games, in those who watch them from the shade
Every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder.
You are Summer.
And even when the trees have just surrendered to the harvast time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September and sending us inside
Still I notice You when change begins and I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and what's to come.
You are Autumn.
And everything in time and under heaven finally falls asleep
Wrapped in blankets white all creation shivers underneath
And still I notice You when branches crack and in my breath on frosted glass
Even now in death You open doors for Life to enter.
You are Winter.
And everything that's new has bravely surfaced teaching us to breathe
What was frozen through is newly purposed turning all things green
So it is with You and how You make me new with every season's change
And so it will be as You are recreating me
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring."
Even in my depression my Lord is there. I knew that all along, but now I can find Him in the depths. And even if I don't think I can, I have people that bring Him to me. Brothers and sisters in Christ that are full to the brim and overflowing with Him. He is all the seasons we go through. Never leaving us alone, never failing. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness. You are FAITHFULNESS.