Our Thanksgiving this year was alot of fun with extended family. We talked and laughed, some watched the football game and some played taboo. My soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Nicole, made the Turkey. It was very good, I'm impressed! I met Nicole's mom and sisters, Gloria, Erin and Aimee. They came all the way from Okalahoma to be with us. All of them are a delight. Dan's mom, Helen, and his sister and brother-in-law, Denise and Don came. And I'm so glad they did. My Gramie and brother and sister-in-law, Ben and Annette (soon to be grandparents) were there with one of their daughters and her husband, Tiffany and Miquel (soon to be a mom and dad). And Bob and Sylvia came. We always have fun with them. We had way too much food and ATE way too much food. We had a good time together. Later that evening some of us went to see Happy Feet. That was fun also.
I am thankful for all these people in my life Lord. I am also thankful to still have a mom and dad that love me very much. You can never have too much family! They are the ones that love you anyway. Just like you do Lord. There are more than just the ones that I have named. There are some that had other dinners to go to. And they are loved also. Thanks again Lord for all these people I love, you are amazing!
Glad that you had a nice Thanksgiving! :)
BTW...my blog is now hosted at blogger...please stop by and say hello!
As always,I am thankful for my wonderful family - blood, by marriage, extended and adopted. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for having us over for Thanksgiving. It was great to meet my new relatives.
Love you all!
Sounds like a house full! Lots of good food and good fun...:)
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