This is Nicole, my daughter-in-law. She's pregnant!!! No one could ask for a better daughter. She is fun, smart, cute and best of all she truly loves Aaron, my son. I love her.

She invited me to go with her and Aaron and her mother, Gloria, to the birthing center to hear the baby's heart beat. This is the outside of the center. It's so cute and has a little park right next door.

At the birthing center every time a baby is born there, they put the baby's foot prints on the wall. Where you see groups of prints, those are siblings that have all been born in the center.

This is a picture of the birthing room. Nicole said that she wants to have an underwater birth. The midwife told her that she can do what ever she wants to. In fact they encourage the daddy to catch the baby. Aaron said he wasn't sure about doing that, so Gloria and I quickly volunteered for the job. We can share.

Here's a picture of Nicole and Gloria at the birthing center. I am so thankful to my Lord that Aaron married such a wonderful girl. And her family is wonderful too. Thanks Lord.
I must agree, I mean...I absolutely must! She is fantaastic and although I believe my daughters are the most awesome daughters alive, she must now be added to the list of awesomeness. By the way, I believe Aaron is the best young man in the world, as well. He is gentle and kind and knows how to pick a great lady. You will have a fantastic grandbaby, no doubt!
I love you,
That place looks so cool!
Say... I want you to know how much I appreciate your encouragement, prayers.
Last night was strange... I'm polishing up a post on it now.
At any rate, thank you.
And... yeah, looks like Aaron is a fortunate fellow.
That's so wonderful Kim !
Best wishes and congratulations (and prayers) are sent to the blessed couple and extended to the family !
Just something about the expected arrival of a new little bundle of joy and love is so thrilling :)
How awesome!!!!!! when are they due???? I am so excited for you! And them of course, of course!
Praise the Lord! Ecclesia....she came out of his side!
The baby is due February 15th. But Nicole wants her to be born on the 14th.
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