Well, chemo starts tomorrow. I've been trying to get things done around here before I don't feel like it anymore. It's hard to think of everything. I've gone to the grocerie store and cleaned all the bathrooms, done all the laundry, got as much Christmas shopping done as I could, filled all my prescriptions, changed the sheets on all the beds, cleaned the kitchen several times (I don't think that job is ever done), I brought all my plants in from outside last night. The list goes on. There's still so much to do. I know I'm forgetting something. Oh well, if it doesn't get done, it will still be here.
An hour before I go to chemo I have to take my anti-nausea meds. Then I will go to the cancer center and get the first chemical. That will take about an hour. Then I'll be hooked to a pump that will give me the second chemical - that will take 3 days. And on Monday I go back to get the third chemical in the series - that takes about an hour. And that concludes one round of chemo. I'll do this every 21 days until I finish all my rounds. After the first three rounds there will be a break for the mastectomy. I'm really not looking forward to any of this.
But there is an upside. I have to tell you how wonderful the sisters are here. They have made me little signs to put in my bedroom window so they will know what I need. The signs say:
I'm sick and nauseous - Go away
I miss you - Leave me a note to remind me that you miss me too!
I need my sisters - (I love you brothers, but sister things are going on right now)
I'm hungry Goody!
I love you - but I need some time by myself right now.
I'm taking a nap
I need conversation and a hug!
I think they thought of everything. Sheila brought me some homemade chicken soup all individually packed in serving sizes to be frozen until I need them. Along with that she brought some of her healthy chocolate chip cookies she makes and some mini banana muffins. The sisters have all been so great!! Brothers, you're pretty great too! It's so nice to be living in churchlife. Thank you, Lord for your body!!!
I love you Kim!
I wish there was something I could say that would make this better, but of course there isn't. Please know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you didn't have to go through this again. Know that we are sending love from a distance. And, hopefully you will feel and know that even though we're not able to be physically close--we are never far away from you, and Dan, and Aaron. With much love, Sharon
Woo-hoo! Hot Babe in the third picture!!!! Step back, baby!!!
Oh Kimmy. Been thinking about you all day. Loving you. Knowing the Lord is in store for you.
KIM, KIM, KIm!! LORD, LORD, LORD! She is willing, have your way! I love you KIM
Hey, Kim.
Can there be any excuse for Lon? I mean really! :)
Very funny, Bill!
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